Pendidikan Berkualitas di Nurul Qodiri

Lembaga pendidikan formal dan non formal terbaik di Lampung.

Menyediakan pendidikan untuk semua usia dan latar belakang.

Program belajar yang inovatif dan menyenangkan untuk siswa.

Pengajaran yang berkualitas dengan pengajar berpengalaman dan profesional.

A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.
A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.
A large, multi-story building with an architectural style featuring prominent vertical and horizontal lines, large windows, and a pitched roof. In front of the building, there is a wide sign with large white letters spelling 'FAKULTAS SYARIAH'. The signage is situated on a black base with small plants in front. The entrance to the building has a sign above the door with text, and the building is flanked by tall palm trees.
A large, multi-story building with an architectural style featuring prominent vertical and horizontal lines, large windows, and a pitched roof. In front of the building, there is a wide sign with large white letters spelling 'FAKULTAS SYARIAH'. The signage is situated on a black base with small plants in front. The entrance to the building has a sign above the door with text, and the building is flanked by tall palm trees.
A multi-story educational institution is surrounded by a grassy field. Several people wearing uniforms are gathered in front of the building, some walking across the lawn. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is signage on the building indicating a school name.
A multi-story educational institution is surrounded by a grassy field. Several people wearing uniforms are gathered in front of the building, some walking across the lawn. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is signage on the building indicating a school name.

Tentang Yayasan Nurul Qodiri

Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qodiri adalah lembaga pendidikan non formal dan formal di Lampung Tengah, berkomitmen untuk mencerdaskan generasi bangsa.

A building facade painted in light green with the words 'Sekolah Citra Berkat' in white lettering. The structure has several floors visible along with white railings and open balcony spaces. Lush green tree branches partially frame the building against a pale sky.
A building facade painted in light green with the words 'Sekolah Citra Berkat' in white lettering. The structure has several floors visible along with white railings and open balcony spaces. Lush green tree branches partially frame the building against a pale sky.
A group of people dressed in various colors of traditional attire gather outside a building labeled 'Masjid Al Hikmah'. The scene is framed by lush green trees and plants, with a stone pillar and other architectural elements visible in the foreground.
A group of people dressed in various colors of traditional attire gather outside a building labeled 'Masjid Al Hikmah'. The scene is framed by lush green trees and plants, with a stone pillar and other architectural elements visible in the foreground.
The image depicts the entrance of a building, possibly a mosque, with a sign reading 'Masjid Pogung Dalangan.' There are green plants in pots lining the front, and a few pairs of shoes are visible on the tiled ground, suggesting a place of worship. The upper level features barred windows and a corrugated roof.
The image depicts the entrance of a building, possibly a mosque, with a sign reading 'Masjid Pogung Dalangan.' There are green plants in pots lining the front, and a few pairs of shoes are visible on the tiled ground, suggesting a place of worship. The upper level features barred windows and a corrugated roof.

Visi dan Misi

Kami menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas untuk semua kalangan, dengan tujuan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang mendukung dan inspiratif bagi siswa.

Layanan Pendidikan Berkualitas

Kami menyediakan pendidikan formal dan non formal untuk pengembangan potensi siswa di Lampung.

A large gathering of students sitting on a red carpet, with a man standing prominently in front, wearing a green patterned jacket and a black cap. The background features a colorful building with green, yellow, and white accents, resembling a mosque or religious school. Many of the students are dressed in light blue blazers and white shirts, and some are wearing headscarves, indicating a formal or religious setting.
A large gathering of students sitting on a red carpet, with a man standing prominently in front, wearing a green patterned jacket and a black cap. The background features a colorful building with green, yellow, and white accents, resembling a mosque or religious school. Many of the students are dressed in light blue blazers and white shirts, and some are wearing headscarves, indicating a formal or religious setting.
Pendidikan Formal

Menyediakan kurikulum lengkap untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah di lembaga kami.

Pendidikan Non Formal

Program pelatihan dan kursus untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan masyarakat.

Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler

Beragam kegiatan untuk pengembangan minat dan bakat siswa di luar jam pelajaran.

Galeri Kegiatan

Lihat momen berharga di Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qodiri.

A person in a light brown scout uniform and dark brown hijab is sitting on a wooden platform under a metal roof. There is a school building in the background with blue and beige walls, and neatly trimmed bushes in front. The area is open and grassy, with trees and additional structures visible further back.
A person in a light brown scout uniform and dark brown hijab is sitting on a wooden platform under a metal roof. There is a school building in the background with blue and beige walls, and neatly trimmed bushes in front. The area is open and grassy, with trees and additional structures visible further back.
A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.
A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.
A brick building with ornate architectural details featuring pointed arches and two taller minarets. The structure has a sign labeled 'K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies' indicating its academic or religious significance.
A brick building with ornate architectural details featuring pointed arches and two taller minarets. The structure has a sign labeled 'K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies' indicating its academic or religious significance.

Pendidikan berkualitas dan lingkungan yang mendukung di Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qodiri. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Ahmad Rizki

A white wall with silver or metallic text and a symbol. The symbol at the top consists of a series of geometric shapes surrounded by words. Below this, the text reads 'AULA' followed by 'DAARUT TAUHIID'.
A white wall with silver or metallic text and a symbol. The symbol at the top consists of a series of geometric shapes surrounded by words. Below this, the text reads 'AULA' followed by 'DAARUT TAUHIID'.
A three-story building is situated on a grassy field, featuring a pale orange facade with blue accents around doors and windows. Several plants are aligned in front of the building. A sign indicates that it is the Shilbadrar Teachers Training Institute.
A three-story building is situated on a grassy field, featuring a pale orange facade with blue accents around doors and windows. Several plants are aligned in front of the building. A sign indicates that it is the Shilbadrar Teachers Training Institute.
